Hello, my fellow Indomitable Spirits! You may or may not have received a post today concerning an Indomitable Spirit Symposium. I’ve no idea why my web site decided to take it upon itself and re-post an outdated event. Technology. Go figure.
That’s not to say there isn’t something new and exciting happening with the Indomitable Spirit! For those of you who don’t know – Alison Arngrim has teamed up with me and we are rolling out plans for 2018.
We also have an event coming up on November 18th, which I will forward to all of you very soon. I can tell you that Alison will be our headliner, Erin Runnion our very special guest speaker, as well as our extra special musical guest, Marky Lennon. More details to follow in the next couple of weeks. If you live in the SoCal area, mark your calendars!
And if you haven’t already – please check out our Store. As an Indomitable Spirit member, simply enter the coupon code magenta and you’ll receive discounts on all our merchandise.
Newsletters, blogs, videos… and more… will be heading your way. Stay tuned!